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What is Hypnoenergetics®?

Hypnoenergetics® evolved from hypnosis and embraces our energy fields. Within theses energy fields we carry our experiences and everything that has occurred in our life, including our beliefs and emotions. These energy fields create life patterns that we archive in our subconscious mind. Imagine a life free from those of patterns and beliefs which prevent or hold us back from achieving what we have to offer, our true potential and our ability to recuperate. Understanding that this evolution can be prevented by: emotional trauma, physical or mental injury or illness or attachment that requires healing.

  Our purpose is to evolve and develop our energy fields, as we all desire to be the best we can be.

Our learning environment is focussed on supporting you, creating trust and encouraging exploring in a safe learning hub. The opportunity for those who have the courage for personal transformation by exploring the hidden corners of who you really are and what you hold onto across the healing dimensions can be released and thereby can be deeply transformational and life changing.

There are many ways for healing to occur, Hypnoenergetics® is one of the successful ways that allows you to self-explore and empowers you in your own healing. Hypnoenergetics® enhances self-discovery by guiding you through the Four Dimensions that make up the Human conditions.

This work will challenge and evolve many of the concepts currently embraced in the traditional approaches to Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Using this powerful modality of Hypnotherapy in the context of energy, Hypnoenergetics® broadens the potential for recuperation and evolves our energy fields even further. It creates an energetic experience guided by the client’s deepest knowing and wisdom. It is not a process of step by step techniques, it’s rather a dynamic way of healing, though as we extend the conscious/sub conscious model embraced by psychological concepts into one that embraces full consciousness and energy, the potential for creating personal transformation and growth expand exponentially.


Philosopy of Hypnoenergetics®


To embrace the four dimensions of Hypnoenergetics® we first need to understand the 5 principles of energy supporting this model:

We are Energetic Beings

We have days of varying energy levels depending on the events happening in our lives. We feel this variation in energy levels in our Physical bodies as well. Once we understand that the concept that we are all energy in key all other principles follow and build from this.

Our purpose is to evolve our energy fields

We all want to be the best that we can be, we move through Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs from basic survival to self-actualisation. We all have the desire to prosper and grow. If we think about the theory of reincarnation, we can see that this desire to evolve comes from the progression of the soul through the ages moving towards the achievement of perfection. This evolution is hindered by the presence of emotional trauma, physical injury or illness or a negative aspect of the individual’s energy that requires healing.  

Our energy fields interact with each other

Sometimes we feel energised after spending time with people and other times we feel drained. We come to learn which of our friends drain our energy and which help support and grow us energetically.  This is the energy around us moving between people and groups and is something that forms part of our culture. We have all heard the saying “you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.” If we understand the overlapping nature of energy between people we can release what is holding us back and grow to our full potential.

To be of service is to help others evolve their energy fields

To help others by raising their energy levels is a wonderful act of service. These small acts of kindness may go unnoticed but they raise the vibration of another. Acts like helping someone carry their shopping, waving or smiling at someone you see on your daily walk, letting someone merge easily into your traffic lane. All these small actions give energy to the other person and also raise your own energy level by acting in a kind way to another person.

When we all evolve our energy fields together the consciousness of humankind evolves

How would our behaviour evolve if we knew that everything we do acts of the whole of humankind? What would become of the self-interest and materialism that is part of western culture if we all paused and embraced the idea that we can all be part of something greater. When we want to be part of something greater than ourselves our we move to an energy of purpose where inspired thinking and the belief in being able to make a difference raises our own vibrations and enables us to do great things.


The story behind Hypnoenergetics®

Peter Smith and the beginning of Hypnoenergetics

Peter was originally trained as a traditional Hypnotherapist, though for him it wasn’t enough. There was something calling him at a deeper level. Many years of working with consciousness models had shown him insights into the potential of the greater self.

At age 40 he left a very successful corporate career to answer that call to a greater consciousness, first travelling to the USA as a student of Michael Newton’s Life Between Lives Work. Four years later he found himself president of the Newton Institute, an organisation spanning 40 countries. He started to travel the world teaching and speaking about Life Between Lives.

Hypnoenergetics emerged in 2011 and continues today in a community of people who are both spiritual lightworkers and skilled therapists.

Peter was then called to  Quantum Consciousness, blending some of the core aspects of Quantum Physics with expanded states of awareness to create another powerful experience to heal, explore and serve humanity and even beyond. He is the founder of the Institute for Quantum Consciousness and released his book Quantum Consciousness – Expanding your personal universe in 2015.

Peter is interviewed regularly, has published many articles and is a highly respected speaker at metaphysical conferences.


The Four dimensions of Hypnoenergetics


Hypnoenergetics works from the concept that we are made up of four components. These components work together to make us who we are.

Emotional Landscapes

This is related to our experiences and how we feel and about those experiences and also what we believe to be true about those experiences. This is where we hold the energy and vibration as part of the history of who we are. We can hold all manner of feelings and beliefs here whether it be pleasure or pain, if we see ourselves as wonderful or insignificant. We can hold experiences as having been traumatic or see them as something that has added to our life’s wisdom. These are all found in the sub conscious mind and can be explored through Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Spiritual Being

We have the free will to determine how we choose to move through life to accomplish what we set out to do. This immortal essence of who we are lives time and again and plans each life carefully allowing our soul to evolve. These are held in the superconscious mind which is accessed using Spiritual Hypnotherapy.

Physical Presence

As represented by our body, intellect and human temperament. This is where we manifest injuries which are often mistakenly assumed to be only physical. We resemble those that gave birth to us in both thoughts and looks. This is the area of the conscious mind and is accessed using clinical hypnotherapy and focussing on body knowledge.

Energy Field

We are connected to energy and insight beyond ourselves. We both store and release energy of different vibrations from around us. Our energy works as a life force and by understanding how it flows, we can unlock its great healing power. This falls into the realm of the Collective Unconscious and is accessed using energy based Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Through Hynoenergetics® we embrace these four dimensions and understand that we can be in more than one Dimensions at a time.

Think of the Four Dimensions as a pyramid and when using Hypnoenergetics®

We follow the energy of the client as they move around their pyramid.