Our Facilitators


Stephen Savage

I am a person who does not believe in coincidences, I believe everything happens for a reason.  With that note, 10 years ago while working for 20 years with complimentary therapies I was at that point again in my life of “there must be more to life than just being here”. And religion wasn’t the answer, as formal religions just didn’t sit well with me.

I had many discussions on this topic with my wife and a friend.  After one of these discussions, my friend gifted me a book that she thought might interest me. That book triggered more than an interest it sparked a passion in me that was a turning point in my life!

The book is a case study of a person regressing into past lives whilst under hypnosis, it changed my life forever!

As it turned out the author was, by coincidence, just happened to be touring Australia and running a workshop on past life hypnotherapy which I attended in Queensland.  On the last day of the workshop I was endeavouring to find someone in Melbourne who did past life hypnotherapy regression and training.

I was recommended to contact Peter Smith, whom by no coincidence, had his clinic 10 minutes from where I lived in Melbourne.  After an amazing past life regression, my passion was further ignited, and I was drawn to learn about hypnotherapy. Peter is the founder of Hypnoenergetics® which is about creating and empowering holistic hypnotherapists.

I enrolled that day in to the Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy to become a Practitioner of Hypnoenergetics®, as I felt this modality was the missing piece that filled the gap to my question, “there must be more to life than just being here?” It integrated energetically the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of our being. 

I furthered my studies to complete the Certificate in Hypnoenergetics® Past Life Therapy and then, in 2017 I travelled to the USA to study and became a Certified Life Between Lives Therapist with the Newton Institute®.

With nearly a decade of working with clients, I know this powerful modality of Hypnoenergetics® works and gets results.

I am honoured to be the Principle and Head Trainer of the Hypnoenergetics® Academy, to further the essence of Hypnoenergetics in creating and empowering holistic.

My Qualifications

  • Graduate Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

  • Practitioner in Hypnoenergetics®

  • Practitioner in Past Life Regression

  • Certified Life Between Lives Practitioner - TNI

  • Certificate in Quantum Consciousness

  • Diploma in Health Tactile Therapies

  • Medical intuitive Practitionere

  • Reike practitioner 1 and 2

  • Pilates Instructor (APMA 2 year course)

  • Brain Gym 101 Certificate

  • Intuitive Communication & Vibrational Medicine Practitioner

  • Foundations of Kinesiology


Anna Alfirenko

Growing up in an ethnic family where my family wanted to fit into a new country, having “imaginary” friends wasn’t right. At the age of five I use to sit at my bedroom window watching two men playing cards, I’d talk to them and watch them for hours, I had no idea they were spirits. I started seeing “ghosts” as everyone use to call them in the house and when I was out in public places too.

I learnt to hide my gifts as it was taboo at home and I had to focus on learning English, my spiritual friends slowly ebbed away.

My life turned around when I faced severe bullying in the workplace and had a nervous breakdown which led me to the Maori spiritual healing circle, where my gifts started to reappear, but I was afraid to pursue them. 

I came across Hypnoenergetics® as I was becoming debilitated when bullying occurred again and sought help from mainstream psychology and traditional hypnotherapy, but I couldn’t connect with them.

After a Hypnoenergetics® session my eyes were re-opened, and I felt I had come home.  I became a Hypnoenergetics® Practitioner and part of the Hypnoenergetics® community.

My style is one of holding a gentle and caring space to help others see their true potential and shine in their unique way.  I believe the world evolves as we evolve, and everyone has a wonderful light that sometimes just needs a nudge to shine brighter. I believe in everyone and know that we all have a space so sacred that our connection can be misguided until we see our light again. I am honoured in helping clients find that light through Hypnoenergetics®.

My Qualifications

  • Practitioner of Hypnoenergetics®

  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy

  • Past Life Regression

  • Quantum Consciousness

  • Holistic Counselling

  • Chair Yoga Facilitator

  • Meditation Teacher/ Facilitator

  • Grief and Trauma Counselling 

  • Ho’oponopono Practitioner